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Mission Statement

The Nicholson Elementary School Staff, in partnership with parents and the community, strive to meet the social, emotional, and educational needs of their learners in a safe, secure, and caring environment.

       Staff: “Improving Tomorrow by Learning Today.”
       Students: “Every Knight Reads 15 Minutes Every Night”

Nicholson Curriculum

Alignment: National, State, Vertical, and Horizontal
The curriculum objectives are aligned with the Indiana Common Core Standards (blend of both Indiana Academic Standards and Common Core Standards). As of 2013, 2nd grade content was aligned to Common Core Standards. 2nd and 3rd grade math and language arts are mapped to meet both Indiana Academic and Common Core Standards. Teachers participated in the school-wide creation of a standards-based curriculum map for the 2nd and 3rd grade in the following areas:

  •  Reading
  •  Phonics/Spelling
  •  Writing
  •  Grammar
  •  Math
  •  Social Studies & Science
  •  Field trips & Supporting Activities

Teachers continue to work to provide both vertical and cross-content alignment-- even including field trips and activities. Copies of the MNES curriculum maps are shared in an electronic folder available on every teacher’s desktop when logged into a school computer. Binders with hard copies are also provided to teachers. Teachers have monthly curriculum meetings to discuss progress, to determine needs for revision/adaptation, and to celebrate success. A master, hard copy is kept in the office.

Daily Instructional Schedule
While great focus is placed upon all students that will be tested on state-wide standardized tests being exposed to instruction and tier time at grade level in math and language arts, MNES continues to take pride in providing students a well-rounded education involving five related arts classes, science, and a dedicated writer’s workshop. 2nd and 3rd grade students daily have:

  •  90 minute reader’s workshop
  •  60 minutes of math
  •  30 minutes of tiered, standards-based Language Arts
  •  30 minutes of tiered, standards-based math
  •  60 minutes of writing and or science
  •  50 minutes of related arts (music, art, PE, computer, library)

Parent Involvement
MNES teachers and parents are interactive in their quest to give Nicholson students the best learning experience possible. We, at Nicholson, ask that our parents foster the importance of learning at home, and that they ensure that their children have good school attendance. Parents are asked to allow time to “listen” to their child talk about their learning, and also to make time and space a priority for reading and homework. Parents and teachers communicate frequently via notes, emails, classroom letters, and phone calls.